Диалог между мусульманином и христианином (Christian-Muslim Dialogue – Russian)


This is a Russian translation of the popular booklet “Christian-Muslim Dialogue” – Эта книга написана в форме вежливого и конструктивного диалога мусульмана и христианина, в ходе которого открывается множество неожиданных, но подтверждённых цитатами из Библии фактов, опровергающих многое из того, во что христиане привыкли верить как в абсолютную истину.


Название: Диалог между мусульманином и христианином Автор: Х.М. Баажиль Русское издание 1 (2010) Переводчик: Нура Нур This is a Russian translation of the popular book Christian-Muslim Dialogue by Hasan M. Baagil, M.D. This book, in its various translations, has been widely used in calling Christians to embrace Islam. Christian-Muslim Dialogue is a result of Dr. Baagil’s study of Christianity and the Bible over a four year period. This work by Dr. Baagil, a dedicated Muslim, reflects his meticulous and painstaking effort to present his findings clearly, concisely and thoroughly. Dr. Baagil writes: In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. This booklet has been written as the result of dialogues that I had with members of the Christian clergy and laity. The discussions were polite, pleasant, friendly, and constructive without the slightest intention of hurting the religious feeling of any Christian… [This book] is indispensable for those looking for the truth and those studying Comparative religion.

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