Rights and Permissions

All material published by International Islamic Publishing House (IIPH) is protected under copyright law. Written permission is required if you wish to reproduce IIPH material.
All requests must be sent in writing, via e-mail or fax.

Permissions Contact Information
International Islamic Publishing House
Fax: +966 1 463 3489
E-mail: [email protected]

Fair use
‘Fair use’ provides for the reproduction of copyrighted materials without formal permission. According to copyright law, there are four factors that an author must consider when deciding whether the use of any material without permission is ‘fair’:

1. The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for non-profit educational purposes

2. The nature of the copyrighted work

3. The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the work as a whole

4. The effect of the use on the potential market for, or the value of, the copyrighted work

5. The copyright holder has the right to decide what is fair use and what is not.

Request Permission

All material published by International Islamic Publishing House (IIPH) is protected under copyright law. Written permission is required if you wish to reproduce IIPH material.

To request permission to reproduce material
All requests must be sent in writing, via e-mail or fax.
Permissions are also known as ‘quotation rights’. This includes prose, poetry, and original illustrations. Permission is usually given, provided that the amount of material requested for re-use is reasonable and does not represent a significant proportion of the original work. IIPH will also consider the manner in which it is to be used, and the kind of publication in which it will appear. A permission (or copyright) fee may be charged to compensate the copyright owner for use of their work.
Please note: If the work from which you are requesting permission is a compilation or a collection of writings, check the credit/acknowledgments page in that book and apply to the original source for permission to use the material. This also applies to photographs and illustrations. Please check that the work was first published by IIPH. If it was originally published by a different company, you may need to apply to that organization for permission.

Please submit a detailed description of your request
To submit a permissions request, please contact IIPH and provide the following information:
The full title and name of author (and ISBN if possible) of the book from which the copyright material is to be taken
The exact material you wish to reprint, including the page numbers of the material taken from the IIPH book
Your publisher’s name and address (you must have a publisher before permission is granted)
Proposed title of your book and full name(s) of author(s)/editor(s) of your book
Short description of your book
The territory where your book will be published and distributed (Europe, Middle East, Worldwide, etc.)
The format in which your book will be published (hardcover or paperback), the print run, proposed retail price, estimated publication date, and page count
Your contact information including name, job title, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and email address.

Book reprint permission
If you represent a publishing company interested in reprinting any IIPH title, please contact IIPH as above, and follow the instructions below.
To submit a reprint permission request, please contact IIPH and provide the following information:

The full title and name of author (and ISBN if possible) of the book
Publisher’s name and address
The territory where the reprints will be published and distributed (Europe, Middle East, Worldwide, etc.)
The format in which the reprints will be published (hardcover or paperback), the print run, proposed retail price, and estimated publication date
Your contact information including name, job title, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and email address.

For ALL Permissions:

Processing a permission request

It may take up to 6 weeks before you receive a written response to your request. Please submit your request with complete information as early as possible before your publication date and do not duplicate your requests.

Permissions Contact Information
International Islamic Publishing House
Fax: +966 1 463 3489 
E-mail: [email protected]

Titles published by other companies in association with IIPH
International Islamic Publishing House distributes many international titles from other publishers. However, we can only grant permissions on titles that are copyrighted and published by IIPH. For permission to use material published by other companies or publishers, please contact them directly.

To find out the name of the original publisher, you will need to look at the copyright page at the front of the book and check for the International Islamic Publishing House imprint and copyright information.

Subsidiary rights
To request information regarding the licensing of subsidiary rights in material which is copyrighted by IIPH, please contact us by fax or e-mail as above. Subsidiary rights include:

1. Translation rights

2. Audio and digital rights

3. Film, radio, television and electronic rights

4. Abridgement or condensation rights

5. Merchandising rights

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