The True Message of Jesus Christ


Jesus Christ represents the common link between the two major religions of Christianity and Islam. This book brings together the writings of Christian and Muslims scholars on the topic of the man and the message of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). It aims to present an objective view of Jesus Christ and the importance of his message.


Dr. Bilal Philips brings together the writings of eminent scholars from both the Christian and Islamic traditions on the topic of the man and the message of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). Dr. Philips writes: Jesus Christ represents the common link between the two major religions (that have the most followers) on earth today—Christianity and Islam. This study of Jesus’ message and his personality is based on this link. It is hoped that The True Message of Jesus Christ will help both Muslims and Christians to better understand the significance of Jesus and the importance of his message. The aim of this book is to present an objective view of Jesus Christ and to avoid cultural and emotional links that may cloud our vision.