Название: Ислам и Христианство Автор: Мухаммад Али Алхули Русское издание 1 (2010) Переводчик: Нура Нур This is a book in Russian entitled Islam and Christianity. This book attempts to compare the two most common religions in the world – Islam and Christianity. In a simple, easily understood way, the author makes a comparative review of the two faiths in seven areas: the authenticity of the scriptures, God, Jesus, faith, worship, ethics, and law. You can find answers to such questions as: What is the status of Islam and Christianity in terms of their authenticity? What is God in Christianity, and what God in Islam? What are the basics beliefs of each religion? What does each religion say about Jesus? What are the differences in worship? What ethical distinctions exist between Islam and Christianity? What is the law in each religion? This book could change your life, if you read it carefully with an open heart and mind.
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